
Notes on the Net
E-Mail Etiquette!

Email Etiquette!

1. Use "Blind CC."
Protect your friends and their friend's privacy. When sending emails to multiple recipients, place each address in the Blind CC (BCC) box. Create email as usual. BEFORE hitting the Send button, pull down the File menu, choose Copy To Folder and select the folder to save it in. This way, you have a copy of who you sent it to but none of the recipients can see who else received it.
OR put your own address in the "Send to" box and all other recipients in the other box via "Blind CC".

2. Clean up before forwarding.
When someone forwards a great poem to you and you're inspired to forward it to your friends, sometimes the past recipients' names appear in the body of the email. After you hit the Forward button but before you hit "Send", delete out the past recipients' names. This allows the new readers to receive just the poem without having to scroll past all the other names.

3. Always "sign it".
Since email addresses often contain nicknames or abbreviations, it is sometimes difficult to decipher who a sender is.

3. Always refer to Attachments. With all the email viruses out there, be sure to inform your readers that you are sending them an attachment. Otherwise, you may be unknowingly spreading a virus. When they open the virus attachment, their computer will be infected also.

4. Be courteous.
Always ask permission before including someone on a "jokes" list or advertising list. With email emerging as an important business tool, excessive "jokes" can clog up an "inbox." It becomes a chore to clean up before getting to the important messages.

The complete newsletter this was excerpted from can be found at

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