- HTML Basics 101 courtesy of BWJames at the University of South Dakota.
- Web monkey, the web developer's resource, Reference: HTML Cheatsheet.
- HTML: An Interactive Tutorial by Dave Kristula. *** highly recommended ***
- A spell checker, ieSpell is a free Internet Explorer browser extension that spell checks text input boxes on a webpage.
- tutorials
- W3Schools Online Web Tutorials "the best things in life are free".
- accessv.
- The HTML Goodies Primer.
- We Sources' HTML codes
- spider food
- high rankings
- The Write Content
- Watchfire: Software solutions for website quality, accessibility, and privacy
- From Cleveland State University Evaluating Web Sites.
- The Bare Bones Guide to HTML by Kevin Werbach to View or Download.
- Get Tech Tips from Learning Tree International.
- Download Website Magic Audio Seminar E-Book. 1.5 from the highly regarded online audio magazine: Home Business Gold.
- Getting your pages up, try FTP or File Transfer Protocol
- Accessible Web Page Design: General Design Tips from Starlingweb.
- The Basics of Building a Web Page from the Vets at Auburn using Netscape Composer.
- World Voices adding voice to your site.
- Web Developers Journal Graphics by the letters.
- Web Monkey Audio eeeh ehhh ehhh...oops that's more like a chimpanze.
- Download VM7 FreeSite designed for beginners but is powerful enough...
- Web-Source's Optimizing Your HTML Codes, when you are no longer an amateur.
- San Antonio's Helpful Web Design Resources, salsa for your page.
- Web Page Design For Designers is what the "wpdfd" stands for.
- Dealing with Robots using "...the main source for information on the robots.txt Robots Exclusion Standard and other articles about writing well-behaved Web robots."
- A Shareware site for inexpensive or even free software.
- Effective web design from the Essex on the other side of the pond.
- so you wanna design a web page? I 2 am hooked on fawn nix.
- Instruction on HTML from Cornell's English Department.
- 12 Website Design Decisions Your Business or Organization Will Need to Make by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson.
- Web Site Wave dot net, a link to Tutorials.
- Cliff Notes with the ubiquitous yellow and black stripes are available for Computers!
- Site Pro News offers tips and you can subscribe to the electronic newsletter covering what a web site pro should know.
- HTML Writers Guild "is the world's largest international organization of Web authors..."
- Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox, October 3, 1999: Ten Good Deeds in Web Design from useit.com
- Guidelines for Authoring Comprehensible Web Pages and Evaluating Their Success1
- Digital Web Magazine "The web designer's online magazine of choice."
- Good Experience "Monitoring the online customer experience, by Mark Hurst."
- Welcome to Browser Cam "Browser Cam creates screen captures of your web pages loaded in any browser, and on any operating system..."
- Web Design Practices "is a site devoted to helping designers understand what design practices are currently in use on the Web"
- DHTMLCentral.com with scripts, tutorials, and forums
- Site Point "Empowering Web Developers since 1997"
- Usability News published by The Software Usability Research Laboratory which is a service division to the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory at Wichita State University
- Elated
- And some tips about graphics file formats and choosy mothers choose Jiff.
- A little assistance from Netscape on CREATING HIGH-IMPACT DOCUMENTS.
1 [From the August 2000, Vol. 47, No. 3, issue of Technical Communication, the Journal of the Society for Technical Communication]