- web-based course delivery
Environmental Economics
- by Barry C. Field and Martha K. Field
Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management
- by David Anderson
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
- by Jonathan M. Harris
- EU Gets Tough on Environment Policy
- Here and Now, April 28, 2004, scroll down...The EU gets tough on chemicals in products..
- BBC Radio Science Green Gurus
- The lives and legacies of three influential environmental thinkers.
- The Cloudy Future of Global Fishing
- On Point on WBUR, undated but guessing 5 June 2002
- Solutions to the Global Warming Crisis
- On Point on WBUR, Aired: Thursday, March 30, 2006
- Paul Samuelson: Rethinking Free Trade
- On Point on WBUR, Aired: Monday, September 27, 2004
- The Middle of Nowhere
- This American Life, 12/5/03: Episode 253
Stories from far away, hard-to-get-to places, where all rules are off, and nefarious things happen because no one's looking, and there's no one to appeal to.
- Island Power
- BBC Radio 4 Science Costing the Earth, Thursday 5 August 2004
- America - the Villain?
- BBC Radio 4 Science Costing the Earth, Thursday 5 September 2002
- Ocean Revival
- BBC Radio 4 Science Costing the Earth, Thursday 4 April 2002
- Report: Commercial Fleets Killing Off Giant Fish
- All Things Considered, NPR, May 14, 2003
- Global Warming in the 21st Century
- On Point on WBUR, Aired: Wednesday, June 23, 2004
- 'The Secret Life of Lobsters'
- All Things Considered, NPR, June 25, 2004
- Fishing for Science in Kamchatka
- Radio Expeditions, NPR and National Geographic Society, 20 JAN 2003
- Welfare Reform on the Red Lake Reservation
- All Things Considered, NPR, September 8, 1998
- snippets include: Threatened Cod Stocks
- Here and Now, NPR, 5/7/2003
- Environmentalism and the Fishing Industry
- Coral Reefs
- The Connection, WBUR, 2/26/2001
- Coastal Confrontation
- The Connection, WBUR, 6/9/2003
- The Perfect Storm: A Gloucester Fisherwoman Tells the Story.
- The Connection, WBUR, July 27, 2000
- When the Market and Tree-Huggers Meet.
- The Connection, WBUR, 10/9/2003
- The Future of the Oceans
- On Point on WBUR, Friday, May 16, 2003
- Antarctica Special (focusing on the Chilean Sea Bass)
- Current Events on WBUR, 2002
- Ocean Update
- Science Friday on WBUR, 4 March 2005
- The Beach
- Science Friday on WBUR, July 3, 1998
- The Oceans
- Science Friday on WBUR, April 24, 1998
- The Undercover Animal Cop
- The Connection on WBUR, 12/2/2004
- Stellwagen Banks Marine Sanctuary
- Radio Expeditions, NPR and National Geographic Society, 1 Dec 1997
- he Great Post-Katrina Gulf Coast Rebuild
- on Point, Friday, December 23, 2005
- The Endangered Endangered Species Act
- On Point, Tuesday, October 04, 2005
- A Tipping Point for Global Warming?
- Open Source, February 3rd, 2006
- Global Warming is Not an ?Environmental Problem?
- Open Source, January 25th, 2006
- Global Warming in the Arctic
- Open Source, January 2nd, 2006
- Fish or famine
- WBUR News (2001-09-05)
- The Excelets Page
- Excelets are Graph Movies
(Excelets are Applets made with Excel instead of Java)
such as...