New England Economic Indicators
- from the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
PAF602 New England Economic Environment
- Randy Albelda
- The Boston Renaissance: Race, Space, and Economic Change in an American Metropolis
- by Barry Bluestone and Mary Huff Stevenson published by Russell Sage Foundation
- Engines of Enterprise
An Economic History of New England
- edited by Peter Temin published by Harvard University Press
Where We Stand Government: Fiscal Policy
- from The League of Women Voters of Massachusetts
- "...kinds of detailed Massachusetts fiscal information that is available from..."
- Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation
- Truth in budgeting: The hidden code to breaking state budget numbers, February 3, 2004
- CLT Citizens for Limited Taxation
An Introduction to State and Local Public Finance
- by Garrett and Leatherman in The Web Book of Regional Science
Conservation Law Foundation
- "...is New England’s leading environmental advocacy organization."
The University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute
- "...is the public service, outreach and economic development unit of the University of Massachusetts President's Office."
Beacon Hill Institute
- at Suffolk University
Citizens for Tax Justice
- "...is a nonpartisan, nonprofit research and advocacy organization dedicated to fair taxation at the federal, state, and local levels."
- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
- "...is one of the nation’s premier policy organizations working at the federal and state levels on fiscal policy and public programs that affect low- and moderate-income families and individuals."
States' Budgets Improve
- Here and Now Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Scroll down for the story
Rhode Island
New England Governor's Council
- promoting New England's economic development
The Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center (MBPC)
- "...provides independent research and analysis of state budget and tax policies, as well as economic issues, that affect low- and moderate-income people in Massachusetts."
- ...interactive budget simulation" from WPI's Game Development Club and support from Senator Moore and the Massachusetts Senate
DLS - Municipal Data Bank Technical Assistance Bureau
- The Official Website of the Massachusetts Department of Revenue Division of Local Services.
Municipal Spreadsheets
- Spreadsheets containing current and historical socioeconomic, financial, budget, property tax and assessment data for all 351 cities and towns are available for downloading.
Home find index of profiles
- Massachusetts cities and towns
Welcome to the home page of the Massachusetts Municipal Association, the voice of cities and towns in Massachusetts.
- Proposition 2 and 1/2
Massachusetts Department of Revenue
- Division of Local Services
Census 2000 Data for the State of Massachusetts
- United States Census Bureau
Citizens for Limited Taxation
- 30 years as “The Voice of Massachusetts Taxpayers”
Boston Public Schools
- Guide to Boston Public Schools highlighting each school's students, staff, events, academic programs and systemwide features
City of Boston - Crime Reports
- Office of Research and Evaluation provides the Department with the professional research capability needed to address criminal justice issues
Digital Atlas of Boston by William A. Bowen
- Boston maps, Boston atlas, Ethnic Groups, Racial Groups, Poverty, Income, Education, Population, Census maps, Massachusetts maps
CURP: Center for Urban and Regional Policy
- CURP is a "think and do tank" working to address issues facing cities, towns, and suburbs with an emphasis on the Greater Boston region.
Dwellings: Housing and Community Statistics on Boston MA
- Census data of interest to landlords and tenants
Welcome to The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce
- Where your Business Belongs
- U.S. Gazetteer
- maps
- City of Boston, Boston Redevelopment Authority
- Boston's Strong Economy 2000
- City of Boston, Boston Redevelopment Authority
- Boston Population 2000
- City of Boston, Boston Redevelopment Authority
- Boston's Population Doubles Every Day
How not to use lay